The inventor and worldwide patent holder of the first solid body plastic chain guide system. The Factory Edition #1 Rear Guide is a solid body design, with long lasting non replaceable wear pad. Called by Dirt Bike Magazine "The Superman of all chain guides" over the past 20 years. Exclusive Plastic formula “RMS” (Return Memory System) is so guide returns to center on impact.<br...
The inventor and worldwide patent holder of the first solid body plastic chain guide system. The Factory Edition #1 Rear Guide is a solid body design, with long lasting non replaceable wear pad. Called by Dirt Bike Magazine "The Superman of all chain guides" over the past 20 years. Exclusive Plastic formula “RMS” (Return Memory System) is so guide returns to center on impact.<br...
AIR FILTER STANDARD HONDA Made with 3 types of foam of different densities in order to increase the air flow around the filter and improve circulation. Maximum protection and performance for your motorcycle engine
AIR FILTER STANDARD HONDA Made with 3 types of foam of different densities in order to increase the air flow around the filter and improve circulation. Maximum protection and performance for your motorcycle engine